Class of 2025 Senior Project Presentations Underway
The Class of 2025 began presenting their Senior Projects to the community this week, a culmination of a year-long project that began when school started, and for some, even before that.Our Senior Project process consists of many elements, including (to list just a few) a detailed journal, a research paper, and the culminating public presentation. Seniors will be presenting their Senior Projects during Community Time (12:50-1:30) on seven different school days beginning March 17 (March 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 27 and 28), with four to five seniors presenting each day. Click here to see that schedule. Family members are welcome to attend. Juniors are required to attend presentations each day, and to fill out critique forms, and other Upper Schoolers can attend. Middle Schoolers are invited to attend a couple of presentations in the Community Hall as well. Here is a list of this year's Senior Project topics:
Car photography
Nature photography
Coaching (two projects)
Medical Deep Dive
Auto Repair
Cyber security intern
Piano (two projects)
App Development
Italian Cooking
Mushroom Foraging
Fashion Design
American Sign Language
Writing a Novel
Screenplay Writing
Designing a Skatepark
Fire Dancing
Rock Climbing
Poster Design
Grilling & Smoking Meats
Game Design
Gardening & Flower Arranging
Dirt Bike Maintenance
The final project element is Senior Project Night, when all seniors share their presentation work in an evening celebration of their projects, attended by the community on Wednesday, April 16 at 6pm, starting in the Pavilion. Way to go seniors!