• Student Life General


Student Life

A Day in the Life

A typical day at Tandem Friends begins with a morning meeting by division and includes five academic periods (one of them a long block), a 40-minute lunch block, and a 40-minute community time block that might be a study hall, an advisory period, a Meeting for Worship or query group, or a thought-provoking Speaker Series. 

Tandem is unique in many of the facets of the Friends education we provide, such as service learning and community service, environmental stewardship, diversity, a celebrated summer arts program, experiential education, and a strong and democratic student government. There are also many special projects and special days that are 'uniquely Tandem Friends,' cherished traditions that every student values and remembers forever.

List of 10 items.

  • Daily Classes

    Classes begin right after Morning Meeting and all classes meet a minimum of four times per week. Ten-minute morning breaks are held every morning, a 40-minute lunch is held every day, and 40-minute Community Time blocks for things such as Meeting for Worship, Speaker's Series and Advisory meet every day after lunch.
  • Extra-Curricular Activities & Clubs

    Students can choose to participate in a number of extracurricular activities. Students with a strong interest in an activity are encouraged to take a leadership role and start a group of their own.
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  • Food

    Community and food go hand in hand here; we like to eat together! From epic picnics to theatre tech week snacks, this community agrees that food brings people together. Our Parent Community showers our faculty with delicious snacks during Faculty Appreciation days. Environmental stewardship dictates how, and sometimes what, we eat. We encourage the use of real cups and silverware, and offer water bottle filling stations around campus. We do not have soda machines on campus. We compost organic food waste.
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  • Freedom with Responsibility

    "Freedom with Responsibility" is an ideal simple to express, but difficult in practice. Freedom in an educational setting allows for the growth of the individual in ways often unforeseen by both adults and students. This unpredictable quality is the source of much of the excitement and joy in our approach to education. Students here learn that freedom is extended in a direct relationship to responsibility. Responsible freedom is not merely permissive. We require students to consider the consequences of their actions, not just for themselves but for their fellow students, their teachers, and the school itself.
  • Kindness and Wisdom, with Kindness Always First

    One of Tandem's other mottoes is "Kindness and Wisdom, with Kindness Always First." “Kindness and Wisdom” reflects the Friends belief that the Inner Light of Wisdom exists within each human being. When we seek and then express that Wisdom, it is manifested as kindness towards others.
  • Advisory Program

    The advisory program is a key component of the curriculum in both the Middle School and the Upper School and reflects a commitment to realizing the mission of the school at each grade level. All students are assigned to small group advisories by grade and meet once each week. The advisory program is designed to support and empower the student in personal development, self-advocacy, ethical behavior, academic excellence, and community engagement.
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  • Student Leadership

    Since its founding, Tandem Friends has embraced John Dewey's idea that a school should serve as an "embryonic democracy" in which students participate directly in the life of the school.

    In the Upper School, seniors run morning meeting, and Upper School students may run for election to the governing student body - the Student Senate. The Student Senate's mission is to enrich the school community by representing students. The Senate sponsors experiential learning opportunities for students, working to cultivate community service and to extend learning beyond the classroom. 

    The Senate works to deepen our Quaker identity and to foster a thriving spiritual life at the school. The Senate provides opportunities for students to engage in the life of the school by hosting social gatherings such as dances, and facilitating student engagement. The Senate represents students in policy making to the faculty and within the community and runs Open Meetings. Senate officers and grade representatives are elected from within the Upper School each year.
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  • Morning Meeting

    Morning Meeting begins every school day, by division and often by grade in the Middle School, with a few moments of settling silence, then meeting leaders call on those who have announcements to make. Morning Meeting provides daily connection to community, an opportunity to find out about the day's events, and an open forum for those who have announcements to share.
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  • No-Cut Sports

    Our Athletics Department practices a 'no-cut' sports policy; students who wish to play on a (grade-appropriate) team become part of that team. There is no tryout process, and no cuts are made during the season. Players who expect to have play time attend practices responsibly and show dedication to the team. Our no-cut sports policy gives students the freedom to try different sports or play multiple sports during the school year.
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  • Work Crew

    The role that students and faculty play in maintaining the buildings and grounds is one of the school's oldest and finest traditions, that of all members of the community working together to keep the school clean and organized.
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    • Leadership at Tandem Friends School