Spanish Class Gets Inspiration from Local Artist

Victoria Bryant
In 8th grade Spanish, students have been exploring the history of Spain through the historical fiction novel, Agentes secretos y el mural de Picasso. They  also discovered art from the Spanish-speaking world during a class gallery walk and took inspiration from a variety of styles to create their own. This week, local artist Chicho Lorenzo, originally from Madrid, Spain, visited the class and was interviewed by students in Spanish using questions they created on their own. He spoke to them about "inspiración mutua", mutual inspiration, and how everyone in the world has a unique thing to offer as well as how we influence one another all the time through the way we live our lives and our creations. He also spoke about art being a way to create any reality that we can imagine and a way of processing our day-to-day lives. You can see Chicho's influence and creations throughout the Charlottesville community in murals around town. The class took a picture together with the prompt: what pose represents your unique offering to the world? 