March Mammal Madness Hits 5th & 6th Grades

March Mammal Madness is underway in 5th and 6th grade science classes! Christina and Nemanja's classes have been learning about ecology, the study of how living things interact with one another and with their environment. Students are researching March Mammal Madness animals and using the information learned to make their brackets. They will all be entered in the tournament through Arizona State University. The first round is next week! To learn more about March Mammal Madness, which pits animals against each other like teams in the NCAA tourney, click here (you can download your own bracket but hurry - the wild card round is on March 10). You can also follow the educational fun on the March Mammal Madness Facebook page. Check out their classroom bracket. Some Upper School classes will be following March Mammal Madness as well.