This Week in Tandem Sports - Week #6

Dave Levy, Athletic Director
While the weather kept our soccer players off their playing surface, the action in the Badger Den was very exciting. Varsity Volleyball has now won 6 straight matches and 12 straight sets, including a 3-0 victory against RMA on their home floor this week.  Middle School Volleyball played an exciting match against Charlottesville Day School on Tuesday. They have improved dramatically over the course of the season. Fingers crossed for warm weather and sunshine next week!

Varsity Volleyball Takes Down RMA 3-0 - 9/25/24
The ball was hit so hard it seemed to crack the air itself, rocketing past the stunned defenders like a comet and slamming into the court with such force that the entire gymnasium shook. A week ago, the Badgers played the same team on the road... giving RMA ample time to prepare for Chloe's outside hitting. The truth is though, no amount of practice could brace them for the sheer power and precision she brings to the court everyday. As a result, the defense was constantly scrambling. 
The queen of assists, Sophia set Mary for a huge cross court hit to give Tandem their first point. Constantly putting her teammates in a position to succeed, Sophia was also instrumental in setting Chloe for a back row smash that was perfectly placed - right on the line. The opponent simply had no answer for Chloe's power tonight. Wherever she was in the rotation - in the back row or at the net - her teammates found her and the ball found the ground. 
Leading 16-12 in the opening set, Maggie spoiled a front line hit from RMA, blocking it to the floor.  It was the first of nine blocks for Maggie in the match, her highest tally of the season.  As a result, the entire middle of the court was off limits to the opponent, allowing Tandem to take control of the sidelines, where Golden showed off her perfect technique. From that point on, Mary went on a serving run, increasing the lead to 10, 23-13.  She went on to close out the set with two aces, and Tandem took a 1-0 lead.
Showing toughness and grit, Tandem got low to the floor and dug out some tough serves from the opponent.  Lola managed to narrowly get her hand under the ball, Sophia moved into setting position, and found Tessa who put the ball into orbit. There were some long rallies in the second set, and Zella was everywhere, digging out the ball and setting Maggie for a big slam.
The score was locked at 12-12 when Maggie went on a big service run. She and Sophia accounted for 8 straight points, as Tandem started to truly pull away.  Kiwii told the squad they only needed one good pass to close out the set, and it came from Tessa, who set up Chloe for a perfectly placed hit over the net.  Everytime the opponent went on a run, Tessa created a side out. RMA made the second set interesting, but Tandem won 25-21.
Sophia opened the third stanza with six consecutive aces. Each narrowly climbed over the net and was perfectly placed, providing Tandem with some serious momentum.  The third set also featured a sequence of huge hits from Mary in the same rally, each set by Golden, as the ball went back and forth. Tandem sealed the point with another slam from Maggie at the net, taking the lead 13-3 and forcing an RMA timeout!

When the Badgers returned to the court, Chloe's defense was just as sharp as her offense in the first set.  She blocked three consecutive hits, giving Tandem a 13 point lead.  Elisabeth also had a massive impact as the Badgers closed out the match.  First, she pushed the ball over the net right in between defenders. Only moments later, she served up a sequence of key serves, including an ace!
Beatrice dug out three key balls as Elisabeth set Mary and Chloe to close out the match, the Badgers taking the third set 25-19. Tandem has now won 12 consecutive sets and six consecutive games, and I certainly wouldn't want to be on the other side of the court from any of these Badgers.  Special thanks to our outstanding crowd - fully dressed in green as per Lili's instructions.  Also to Ellia, Sophia and Emory for keeping score this afternoon.
Tomorrow is a double header on the road: JV at 4:00 at Wakefield and Varsity to follow at 5:00. Looking forward to it!

Varsity Volleyball Makes it Five in a Row - 9/21/2024

The Tandem Girls Volleyball team were calm and confident when they walked into the Foxcroft gym this afternoon.  But as the Badgers warmed up, panic started to mount on the other side of the net.  Before the match even started, Tessa reared back for one of her massive hits... which knocked the antenna clear off the net! Foxcroft stared in awe while the rest of the Tandem team went about their business. We all know what this team is capable of.

Taking on a key role in the starting line up, Lola opened the match with a beautiful dig to get Tandem's first point.  Foxcroft had a little momentum at the outset, but that was over in a hurry.  Maggie set Lola for a massive hit to tie the set at 5-5.  Maya then delivered a sequence of smooth serves, including one for an ace, giving the badgers an 8-5 lead. Golden kept the streak going, getting low for a dig, as Maya rattled off 6 straight points.  Tandem's serves were on point today - including an intimidating ace from Lola. 
From that point on, Maggie then took over.  First Sophia set her for a violent spike right down the middle, and then she blocked her counterpart to take a 15-8 lead.  Maggie then had a beautiful pass to Mary who set up Tessa for the first of several massive cross court hits.  The Badgers forced a Foxcroft timeout as the lead ballooned to 18-10, and it wasn't long before Zella passed it to Sophia. With perfect touch, Sophia pushed the ball to Mary for a perfectly placed big hit right down the middle. Tandem won the opening set with ease, 25-14.
When Sophia is serving it really is a problem for the opponent.  Couple that with Lola's massive hitting - it was by far her best game of the season - and Tandem was rolling. Sophia served for ten straight Badger points early in the set.  Meanwhile in the front line, it was clear that Tessa owned the net and that this was Tessa's house! She had six blocks, frustrating her opponent. With the score 10-2, Tessa then took to the offensive, hitting Foxcroft with her push shot, perfectly placed over Foxcroft's front line.  She can truly do it all. 
Mary was incredible in the second set.  She seemed to pluck the ball out of the sky and place it precisely where the defense could not return it. Her presence as middle front was incredible, guiding Tandem to a massive 16-2 lead, which just kept growing. To close out the second set, Sophia set Maggie for a magical slam - I swear it went right through the Foxcroft blockers. They turned around in shock, and watched the ball hit the floor! Tandem took the second set in dominating fashion, 25-4. Sheesh!
Foxcroft opened the third set on a run.  Earlier in the season, Tandem would've lost focus and dropped the third set - but not anymore.  Completely locked in, Beatrice provided critical energy in the third set, immediately getting low and digging out some tough Foxcroft serves. Down 14-7, Sophia decided that she had seen enough. She rattled off four consecutive aces, each spinning like a top, impossible to return. Then the front line then went into action - first Zella set Maggie for a vicious spike! Moments later, Sophia set up Tessa, who simply obliterated the ball -  I'm truly surprised it didn't pop. Just like that, Tandem had scored 9 straight points, and the third set was tied at 16.
Mary drilled a massive cross court hit, as the momentum had clearly shifted, and for the final point, she set Golden who closed out the match. Tandem won the third set 25-19! The Badgers have dominated RMA, Wakefield Country Day and Foxcroft - winning tonight without one of their key starters - and are showing a pizza party worthy attention to detail and focus. As of today, Tandem has won five games in a row - and even more impressive - nine straight sets. 
Congratulations to Coach Kalina and these incredible Tandem Badgers - 5 wins in a row! While there is no school Monday, the team will return to action on Wednesday at 4:15 vs RMA at Tandem. Then they travel to Wakefield on Thursday for a 5:00 match.