Saturday night's Alumni Arts Showcase was a tribute to Tandem's past, present, and future. Itwas a lovely and quintessentially Tandem event. We welcomed alumni from across the decades at Tandem, as well as several beloved retired and past faculty. Miller Oberman '97 & Charlotte Matthews (past faculty) read their writing "in Tandem," a tribute to the powerful relationships between students and faculty forged here. Between songs with his trio, Jay Pun '99 shared stories from the 90s and the unique musical education he received at Tandem. Angus Murdoch '86 performed music with his son Will, a current junior, and the cast of this year's spring musical, Mamma Mia!, shared a sneak preview. Ephraim Firdyiwek '04 played some lovely songs. Emma Johnson '19 shared her poetry and Middle School drama teacher Edwina Herring shared poetry and a song. Senior Sawyer Ruday '25 spent the last year learning about philanthropy to raise money to improve the Community Hall as a performance space. We celebrated what has endured at Tandem under the new lights and enjoyed the new sound system! Visit to learn more about how you can help with this ongoing Community Hall upgrade project.